1. Main Gate
The main gate is automated and is normally open between 8 am and 6 pm on weekdays. On weekends and after hours it is key operated. Keys are available from the Admin office, to non-members attending functions and regattas at the Club, for a refundable deposit of A$55.
2. Visitor Parking
Visitors to the Club should use the parking area adjacent to the main gate. Dinghy's can be unloaded on to the lawn behind the CB Clubhouse and wheeled to the CB rigging area.
3. Camping
Camping is available at the Club in the two areas adjacent to the Centreboard (CB) Clubhouse - Area 1 is the preferred site for camping but Area acts as an overflow. More information is available on the 'Camping' page.
4. Showers & Toilets
Male & female showers and toilets are available at the CB Clubhouse and in the Main Clubhouse with the entrance via the side door behind the Admin office.
5. Boat Ramps
Boat ramps for launching support boats (only by arrangement with the event organisers) are available on the Eastern and Western hardstands.
6. Main Bar & Restaurant
The main bar and restaurant is located on the northern side of the Clubhouse and accessed through the entry closest to the river. Neat casual attire it requested at all times (no hats, singlets or thongs), whilst a 'collared shirt' is required after 6 pm.
7. Ball Room
The Club 'Ball Room' is located on the southern side of the main clubhouse and is accessed via the entry to the Admin office. The Ball Room may be used for official functions such as Presentation Night dinners.