Pelican Swan River Spring Regattas
EFYC & SoPYC - 22nd & 23rd of October 2016
Every year the East Fremantle and South of Perth Yacht Clubs run two race days, with the Pelican sailors competing for the Peter Mapstone Trophy on the Saturday at EFYC and Grand Sponsors Trophy at SoPYC on the Sunday. This year racing will be held over the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of October and referred to as the 'Pelican Swan River Spring Regattas' (PSRSR).
It is always a fun weekend, with 3-4 races at each club, coaching, both dinner & presentations after racing and the highlight for the racers - being towed up and down the river by the support boats, to and from each Club, for the days racing.
These are sponsored regattas and there is no entry fee, however we would ask that you please lodge an expression of interest through this page so that we can get and idea of numbers competing. The camp ground at SoPYC will be available and please let us know if you would like to use this facility and on what nights.
To access more information about Swan River Spring Regattas, South of Perth Yacht Club for camping and facilities or to lodge your 'Expression of Interest,' please use the buttons on the left of the screen.